CCEA RSE Exposed

We have seen what the legislation says, so let’s now look at the CCEA curriculum and guidance that is driving policy being made in schools, much of which is being driven by UN policy. This is all taken from the CCEA website with some comments in respect of the curriculum.

We are now going to look at what they call the RSE HUB. It has been in development from 2019 (check the dates on some of the articles), this was the same year that section 9 of The Northern Ireland (Executive Formation etc.) Act 2019 was introduced that includes the following:

The CCEA RSE hub provides an overview of RSE within the Northern Ireland Curriculum and includes the RSE Progression Framework which is currently provides a non-statutory "pathway in RSE" from primary through secondary and into post-16 stages.

This RSE education has been given by the CCEA to schools since 2001 for Primary and Secondary Schools:

In 2019 the CCEA issued two guidance booklets for both Primary schools and Secondary schools: 

Here is a snippet from the primary school booklet which is quite shocking:

Does this mean that children in primary school, no matter what age, should be taught about this?

Here is more uncomfortable reading whereby teachers cannot dismiss anything as a passing phase even though it could be, and you cannot use the word gay to a child as it may be seen as abusive!

Up to 98% of children reidentify with their biological sex during puberty without any intervention.

The other worrying thing in the booklet is the resources or organisations they can use: 

There are a few good things spotted in the booklet for parents and teachers: 

This booklet from 2019 might have some worrying sections however there are positives in respect of withdrawal and guidance for parents and teachers, however is this all about to change when Chris Heaton-Harris reveals a new curriculum by January 2024?

RSE Progression Framework 

We shall now look at the next change to the CCEA guidance issued sometime before November 2022 which is the RSE Progression Framework:

This is age 4 to 6 – do you think it’s appropriate for a teacher to teach your child this? 

This is age 6 - 8 – do you think it’s appropriate for a teacher to teach your child about this and they may have their own opinion on it that they want to impose on to your child? Can parents not be trusted to teach about this? 

Are children aged 6 to 8 not a little bit young to be discussing these sorts of matters? 

Are children aged 6 to 8 not a little bit young to be discussing these sorts of matters? they seem to be obsessed with this being taught at foundation stage also.

This is teaching primary school children about sexual reproduction depending on the school's RSE policies.

Are children aged 9 to 11 not a little bit young to be discussing these sorts of matters?? 

The youngest age at key stage 2 is nine, why would they even have an online profile to discuss?? Surely this should wait until at least 12 years old. You have to be 13 for Facebook. Online profiles should not be encouraged! 

This is from age 11 to 14 – what are the different levels of intimacy and why does it need to be taught or why would a child want to give consent to anything? In respect of underage sexual activity leading to parenting, can parents not be trusted to teach about that?

This is getting children as young as 11 to understand sexual identity to question who they are and gender being something they can question also pushing transgender ideologies.

Quite often these discussions are more about how the church doesn’t approve and is outdated – being critical of abstinence, the value of human life and traditional views of marriage. 

Do 14 year olds need to know about contraception and that the only reason they should abstain from sex is not to get diseases or get pregnant? No mention of it being morally wrong or being under the age of consent! They shouldn’t be negotiating anything to do with sexual intercourse and there is continued, unwarranted criticism of traditional family values, this is a clear attack on the family unit.