Fact Checking the Fact Checkers

In a recent Fact Check NI article, every point they questioned with regards to our leaflet was actually confirmed to be accurate by their own article. So when we saw some people on Twitter sharing it, triumphant that misinformation was being challenged, it was a real head scratcher, did they even read the fact check? The more astute reader would instantly see the obvious gas lighting, and tribalist, drum-banging that the fact check NI article was attempting to stir up. 

In light of this very poor piece of propaganda journalism from Fact Check NI (their website has much more if you're interested), in the following 5 slides, we'll share both their accusation and their explanation.

We do admit that we were shocked on this one. Chris Heaton-Harris isn't introducing the teaching or promotion of transgenderism in the new school year 2023/2024, because it's already here!!

A recent Newsletter article revealed the following:

"The Education Authority has been telling both primary and secondary schools since 2019 that teachers "should give a transgender pupil access to toilets which match their gender identity, unless there is a good reason not to" with the same applying to changing rooms and sports teams."

"CCEA - an arms-length government body - issued guidance to NI primary schools in 2019 (drawn up with help from transgender campaign group the Rainbow Project). It said "recent research" showed children can be aware they are transgender from the age of three-years-old, and insisted that teachers should not view it as "a passing phase"."

We have never actually said in our leaflet that masturbation would be taught in schools in Northern Ireland. 

We highlighted UNESCO and WHO internationally recognised organisations, of which the United Kingdom is a member, and their freely available, published, sexuality education documents that are used in 200+ countries as a framework for all RSE teaching. In those documents is the most explicit, vile, and potentially illegal guidance on teaching children about "sexual stimulation" (UNESCO PAGE 71 Learning Objectives 9-12 years old).

On our website we highlight many many news reports on masturbation being taught in primary and secondary schools in England. It would be negligent not to warn parents of the possibility of that kind of teaching coming here, and being taught to lower and lower age groups.

But wait, Fact Check NI have highlighted 2 sections in the CCEA framework, which ARE to be used in the forthcoming school year. Is this appropriate to be taught for those under the age of consent?

On promiscuity and the failing of programs to teach children about of the emotional, psychological and physical health risks of promiscuous sexual activity, the response is that there are regular references to being self-aware of feelings and emotions, and ways to improve emotional wellbeing. Regarding physical health risks of multiple sexual partners, a Key Stage 3/4 unit specifically suggests "limiting your number of sexual partners" as a way of preventing STIs and to "avoid overlapping relationships".

Which part of that isn't suggesting that promiscuity is viewed as normal? There are many RSE lessons that do tailor their teaching according to the Boards of Governors, and in consultation with parents, and going with the school ethos, but why should the guidance be about an immoral lifestyle?

One so-called criticism of the UN CEDAW report is that many schools do teach abstinence and the value of human life.

From the Department of Education website:

"The teaching of relationship and sexuality education (RSE) is mandatory for all pupils of compulsory school age.  All grant-aided schools are required to have a RSE policy that is based on consultation with parents and pupils.  It is the responsibility of the Board of Governors of each school to ensure that a comprehensive programme is delivered which meets the needs of its pupils and aligns with its RSE policy."

We said that both the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission and the UN CEDAW reports both recommend a broader, mandatory RSE curriculum for primary and secondary schools. (NIHRC report Page 20) (CEDAW para 65.b).

Written statement by the Secretary of State also states the teaching to be mandatory.

The parallels between the UNESCO sexuality document and the CCEA framework are clear and we have confirmation now that the themes are "aligned", so they are using a document which is explicit and potentially a form of child grooming to draw up guidance for Northern Ireland schools.

The UNESCO document is also directly referenced by the NI Human Rights Commission in their June Report on RSE.